Iron Maiden drummer Nicko McBrain, who suffered a mini-stroke in January 2023, has shared an update on his recovery during an appearance on The Washington Tattoo. He explained that while the first three months after a stroke offer the most significant recovery, progress continues to slow in subsequent months. Now, nearly a year and a half later, McBrain noted that he hasn’t fully regained his previous drumming abilities. He struggles with fast rolls, where his technique has become less steady. As a result, he’s had to adapt his playing style, even altering some classic fills like the one from “The Trooper” to maintain the groove of the songs.
During a Q&A session at Bio Roy in Gothenburg, Sweden on February 25th, Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson praised Nicko McBrain’s recovery, calling his performance on the last tour “nothing short of amazing.” Dickinson shared that he had undergone hip replacements in February 2023 and was fully recovered in time for the tour. Meanwhile, McBrain suffered a significant stroke around the same time. Dickinson recalled being shocked when McBrain informed them about the stroke, which happened at his home. Fortunately, McBrain’s wife got him to the hospital quickly, where he received a new drug that effectively rebooted his system, restoring most of his left side’s function within hours, except for his snare drum hand. Dickinson marveled at McBrain’s ability to continue performing despite these challenges.
Bruce Dickinson continued, saying that McBrain had to relearn drumming because he initially couldn’t hold a drumstick or even a fork. When Dickinson invited him to the studio during the mixing of *The Mandrake Project* in April, McBrain looked surprisingly well—tanned and slimmer. McBrain shared that he had struggled a lot, unable to get out of bed for months. Despite the challenges, McBrain maintained his sense of humor and detailed his efforts to regain his drumming skills. He acknowledged that he may not be able to return to his previous level of performance for a year or two, but he’s committed to daily practice. McBrain has even formed a small band to help him rehearse Iron Maiden’s set, showing his determination to recover, as drumming remains his passion.